Sustainable Development

Today, JSC Gazproektinzhiniring is a stable company that provides jobs and decent working conditions for more than 1,000 people and is one of the largest taxpayers in Voronezh Region, stimulating its economic and social development. Our Company actively cooperates with partners in the direction of greenfield, brownfield and retrofitting projects at industrial facilities in different regions of the country, making them sustainable by increasing the efficiency of resource use and the wider use of clean and environmentally friendly technologies and industrial processes.
Responsible Сonsumption and Production
JSC Gazproektinzhiniring

A company that provides the full range of engineering services for any greenfield, brownfield and retrofitting projects at industrial facilities. The company approaches the issues of reducing the impact of production factors on the environment with great attention and special responsibility, guided in its activities by modern international technical and environmental standards.

Socio-economic progress over the past century has been accompanied by environmental degradation. Modern society today is faced with the task of ensuring the transition to rational patterns of consumption and production. In order to minimize the impact of its activities on the environment, JSC Gazproektinzhiniring sends its own production waste (batteries, fluorescent lamps, paper) for processing and disposal.

Innovation and Infrastructure
to Achieve Sustainable Development, It Is Important to Create a Quality Infrastructure to Support Equal Access to Innovation and Technology.

JSC Gazproektinzhiniring in its activities supports the idea of ​​sustainable industrialization.

In addition to reliable infrastructure, it relies on research, innovation and technological progress, and ultimately contributes to improving the quality of life and providing equal opportunities for different groups of the population.

JSC Gazproektinzhiniring actively cooperates with partners in the direction of retrofitting and upgrade of industrial enterprises. This allows production processes to be brought up to date with the latest standards in terms of resource efficiency and greater adoption of clean and environmentally friendly technologies.

JSC Gazproektinzhiniring uses digital transformation processes.

Artificial intelligence technologies are a powerful tool for achieving sustainable development goals. Applying them in their activities to optimize design solutions, taking into account all stages of the life cycle of an object and creating its “digital twin”, reliability, safety and environmental friendliness of operation are ensured.

Health and Wellness

Any production is a set of complex processes, accompanied by harmful and dangerous factors affecting people. JSC Gazproektinzhiniring exercises strict control over compliance with safety regulations at all stages of work, and the development of projects is carried out in full compliance with technological regulations and rules of technical operation.

JSC Gazproektinzhiniring takes care of the health of its employees, providing medical services on the basis of the corporate medical center.

Particular attention is paid to preventive measures - regular medical examinations and timely vaccination against common infectious diseases.

The availability of quality medical care is one of the principles of sustainable development.

Taking care of the health of everyone is a priority in the framework of sustainable development. Encouragement and support of participation in sports events, physical culture and a healthy lifestyle is an important element in the development of the socio-cultural sphere of activity of JSC Gazproektinzhiniring.

Decent Work and Economic Growth
the Staff of JSC Gazproektinzhiniring Has More than 1,000 Highly Qualified Employees Who Are Provided with Comfortable Working Conditions and a Developed Social and Cultural Infrastructure.

An important aspect of activities within the framework of the implementation of the sustainable development goals on the part of business is the creation of decent jobs. The company is one of the largest taxpayers in its region.

The stable operation of large enterprises provides a reliable basis for economic growth. On June 10, 2022, JSC Gazproektinzhiniring celebrated its 55th anniversary. During this period, the Company has gone from the design department of the Voronezh State Union Design Institute to one of the leading engineering companies in Russia. JSC Gazproektinzhiniring today is advanced solutions in the field of information technology, a reliable resource base, hundreds of completed projects and stable partnerships.

Partnership for Sustainable Development
Successful implementation of the sustainable development agenda is impossible without building partnerships with common principles, goals and values. Moving along the path of sustainable development, JSC Gazproektinzhiniring strengthens ties and actively interacts with representatives of city administrations and regional governments as part of the implementation of regional development programs in order to improve their socio-economic situation.
Quality Education

Support for specialized educational programs for JSC Gazproektinzhiniring is the most important investment in the future. The company actively cooperates and shares professional knowledge with students of Voronezh State Technical University and Sakhalin State University.

Within the framework of interaction with universities, scientific meetings, industrial and undergraduate practice, preparation of final qualification works are held, young specialists from among graduates are selected for further work in the Company.